• 我是威利斯顿北安普顿学校的一名高中生。在中国上海出生长大。

    I am a high school student at Williston Northampton School. Born and raised in Shanghai, China.

  • 我记录并反思自己的经历。记录是记忆的媒介,它承载着一个人过去的某些想法、经历和审美观。

    I record and reflect on my experiences. Recording is a medium for memories, carrying with it certain thoughts, experiences, and aesthetics from one's past.

  • 本网站今后将继续更新

    This site will continue to be updated in the future.

  • 照片让精神能够再次逃离日常的牢笼以体验那难得的自由。

    Pictures allow the spirit to break free from the confines of the ordinary, enabling it to embrace the exceptional freedom that comes with such moments.


Many things we thought we would never forget in our lifetime are lost to us just as we remember them. The point of collecting is to prevent forgetting the cheerful and sad memories.
